I've also discovered the my beloved little digital camera is just not going to cut it for blog-ready photos, and until I replace it that's all I have. So, please persevere with me as I do my best with a camera that just cannot handle focusing on pretty things and a primitive flash.
First, my entire collection (as of three days ago) without flash:
And with:
You can see my swatch wheels at the bottom of those photos; I swear by them! It's so much easier to pull out a nail wheel and pick a shade of red than sorting through bottles hoping the color on the nail will be close to the one you're seeing through the glass. I have numbers on each bottle to correspond to the wheel to make it easier to locate each one. I highly recommend it for anyone who lacks enough space to display each bottle well and has to put them away in cases or sadness drawers like I do.
Here's my wheels by color:
Orange and Yellow
Golds and Browns
Pink - No flash
Pink - With flash
Silvers and grays
For the record, I do own top coats and base coats etc, but didn't see a point in swatching them for what I hope are obvious reasons.
So there you go! If you want to know what a specific color is, ask in the comments and I'll do my best to get back to you.
Awesome idea :) love it